Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I'm In For It!!

I think I've got trouble on my hands...trouble with a capital T (and an -owns on the end of it). This chick is a mess if I've ever seen one and I couldn't resist posting some of the pictures I've taken of her over the last week. This might give you a little clue as to how our days go around here....never a dull moment!

(If I had any brains about me I'd make one of those neat slideshows instead of posting each and every one of these crazy pictures...maybe next time! And sorry about the spacing issues here...I'm not exactly an internet genius!)

Mornings here start with Towns wanting to pick out her clothes and it ends up being a battle of the wills. We both mean business and most of the time I win out, but if I cave in every now and then, this is what she'll pick out for herself...

Here Miss McClendon is sporting a metallic yellow leotard, circa 1984, a puffy vest with a fur-lined hood, a stunning flourecent green dress-up skirt, and crimson Mary Jane Crocs....BEA-U-TI-FUL!
Or she might just pick this out and the justification behind this is "why do I need clothes if I have on such big boots with high heels AND a bow?" to which I tried to explain that no matter how high the heels are, she still must wear clothes. Period.

The sad thing about it all is that before the sun goes down she's changed clothes approximately fourteen more times. Examples...

A fleece snowsuit.

Denim skirt and this pink shirt that don't go together...her abolute favorite two items of clothing she owns.

A swimsuit 2 sizes too small. Here she was sitting in the rocking chair with me on a stool in front of her giving her this pedicure (all her idea...to go along with Valentine's Day). Excuse the dirty feet!

Here she's got on a scarf that she insisted upon wearing to look like Bethany and Hannah Montana.

She actually picked this out and it matches, mark this one down in the books!

Prime example of how she goes to bed at night...she's fresh out of the shower here and got on her favorite tights, leotard and tutu!

This kid cracks me up on a daily basis and I can't get enough of her!! Here a few more pics for good measure....

If her cheeks look extra chubby here it's because she's got her vegetables stuffed in them. I didn't realize this until we'd been done with dinner for 30 minutes and she was already in the bathtub. Have you ever?! She's a sneaky little thing! Oh, and this is also the exact look she gives me when she gets in trouble. Usually the words that accompany this face are "you sure are sweet, Mommy"...and then I almost forget what she'd done wrong! One funny thing and I'll move on...the other day at Chick Fil A I was trying to get her to eat her lunch before she got the notion that she needed an ice cream cone. You know, because to a child Chick Fil A = playground + ice cream. So I told her that she needed to eat her lunch and then we'd talk about it (a phrase I find myself saying more and more which means that I'm turning into my mother). After some deep thought she replies "I don't want to TALK about it...I want to EAT it"! Nice try, but it didn't work!

This is how I found her last night when she'd gotten quiet....she'd pulled a stool up to my dresser and was going through my jewelry drawer (hence the necklace that she's already got on)...she had no idea I was watching her!

This is how she ate Sunday lunch last weekend...she said the pink shades helped her "see her food much better"!

Thought I'd throw this one in because of her cute owl jammies!

No particular reason for this one...just love it!


  1. You are in for! What a hot mess she is!! I love all of her clothes and I'm right there with you! I love the owl jammies... the girls have them and we wear them often! She's getting so big and starting to look like a big girl... makes me sad and I'm not even her mom!

  2. You are in for it, tt! She's a cutie, though:) I'm still cracking up about the cheeks full of veggies in the bathtub!

  3. TT are you really that shocked that she changes clothes so often each day.....she is your child!! Cute pictures of all her outfits she picks out.
