Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy 4 Months & 2 Weekend Get Aways

It's so hard to believe that Cate's been here for 4 months! Time flies when you're having fun! I love everything about her, but some of my most favorite things are her chubby cheeks that are so fun to kiss, her super long eyelashes, the way she starts kicking her legs like crazy when she sees somebody she loves, and her sweet little voice when she laughs! Happy 4 Month birthday, Cate Bug.....I LOVE YOU!!!!
J & I were lucky enough to get two weekends away in January! The first weekend was the big Enterprise Christmas party at the Sheraton in downton Birmingham (they always have it after the holidays). We always look forward to it....it's good food, great people, and fun times! The girls stayed here with Grandmommy and Pop (J's parents) and had a ball. And two weekends after that they made a road trip to Selma so J & I could have a nice, quiet weekend. It was heaven! I never worry about the girls when they're with Grandmommy and Pop because they have 110% of their attention 110% of the time. It's unbelievable how good they are with their grandchildren. They live for them, that's for sure! I just wish they lived closer!! Here are a few pictures from their weekend in Selma....they got a special treat because Bethany came over from Wetumpka to spend the night while they were there. It couldn't get any better than that for Towns....grandparents AND her big sister!
This is Bethany teaching Towns how to do flips off the back of the couch!! CRAZY!
Cate's in her little Bumbo seat here...the greatest invention ever! Wish I'd have thought of it! :)


  1. What a treat for you & J! What did y'all get into while the kids were away?!

  2. TT, pretty please bring yourself and your sweet girls home to Andy for a visit soon!! I love seeing their pictures and seeing their adventures. Especially Towns sliding down the hill. I thought Hunter was going cry he laughed so hard!
