Thursday, February 21, 2008

No Fear

A couple of weekends ago while we were visiting J's parents, I took these pictures of Bethany. The child is really not scared of anything....see exhibit A below.
We'd put the tent up in the backyard for the kids and were in the process of finding wood with which to build a fire to roast marshmellows when Jonathan found this little guy. Actually, there was nothing little about him. I ran like a crazy person straight to the house when I heard the first mention of the word "snake"...but Bethany obviously wasn't the least bit scared. After her daddy killed it, she decided it would be a good idea to have her picture taken holding it. I'm so terrified of snakes it takes my breath away, literally. So for me to even get close enough to her while she was holding that thing to even take this picture...well, let's just say my heart was in my throat. Towns even touched it and afterwards I scrubbed her hands for five solid minutes. I think I'm OCD...
Exhibit B...
Pop fixed a rope swing on the big oak tree in the backyard last summer and the kids have a blast on it. Jonathan decided it would be a good idea to let Bethany go off the corner of the roof (you can see it in the right side of this picture) on the swing. She climbed up there all by herself and swung off the roof (standing up, I might add) and when I saw it for the first time I nearly had a massive coronary. You couldn't have paid me money to do it, but Bethany didn't think twice about it! Thank God for some strong rope holding that swing up and no broken bones!!
Next up, the tree stand episode...keep in mind all of these pictures were taken in less than a 24 hour period. So you can only imagine what it's like at our house...never a dull moment!! Jonathan has a special gift of coming up with crazy things like this. He's really creative at finding way to entertain the kids, but most of them could land us in the ER. Thankfully, that's never happened. Almost 4 years of being married to him has taught me one thing...NEVER say never!!!
J's dad is an avid deer hunter and this contraption is his tree stand. Bethany got all the way up there by herself and I'd venture to say that she was at least 10 feet off the ground. In this next picture it's just her, the tree, the stand, and that pretty blue sky! This is the point where I'd be entering panic mode BEGGING someone to get me down...not her though. Please note the big smile on her face!

Love you, BBMac! You never cease to amaze me!! :)

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