Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Heart Day...A Week Late!

Poor little Cate and Towns sure didn't feel good on Valentine's Day (as you can probably tell by how rough they look!)...but naturally they sported their coordinating outfits like true champs. I am out of the running for the Mother of the Year Award for making them endure all this picture taking...but it was their first Valentine's Day together so I couldn't NOT capture the moment!

Towns has gotten into the habit of thinking Cate does things to her on purpose. For example, in the picture above Cate had her fingers in Towns' hair so Towns told me that she was pulling her hair. And if Cate's foot accidentally touches her, Cate's kicking her. And if her hands or arms touch her, Cate's pushing her. It really is quite funny the way she over dramatizes it, and I can't seem to get through to her the fact that Cate's not really old enough to push or kick her intentionally. That day will come soon enough....

I've never once in almost three years gotten Towns to smile for the camera. It just doesn't happen. Until now, and this is the face she gives me. When I ask her to smile she closes her eyes and gives me this crooked grin. I guess I should take what I can get...

This one is a little better!

Not sure what these looks are about, but I think it just about captures the mood because neither one of them felt good at all and you could tell it on their faces.

Here Towns is asking me if it's ok to dig into her Valentine's mailbox...the deal was when she cooperated long enough for the pictures, she could then have her stash of chocolate!

I gave her a little flowerpot that came with strawberry seeds and we're trying our luck at getting them to grow. I could kill a fake plant, so it's highly unlikely that anything will come of our strawberries! I was not blessed with a green thumb...

Here's how Towns spent most of Valentine's Day....

So Cate and I played together in the of her favorite things ever!

We decided Towns had slept long enough so Cate got the job of being her wake up call...Cate LOVES to crawl all over Towns. It's fun to her for about two seconds and then she's begging me to get her off of her!

1 comment:

  1. Those are so cute! Cate is getting so big now...and Harrison does the SAME thing with Harper- one day he said she hit him!
    BTW, I love their little Valentine outfits!

