Monday, February 11, 2008

We've Been Bitten by the Bug....

....the flu bug, that is. It's been running rampant around our church and it was just a matter of days before we, too, ended up with it when you consider we're at church pretty much every day of our lives! Towns is much worse off than I am...this morning she had a temp of 104.1 which scared the living daylights out of me!! The two of us have been in the bed most of the day and poor little Cate has just been sitting in whatever makes her the happiest for the time being. We've got an alternating system going on....the bouncey seat, the swing, the baby papisan, the rainforest jumparoo, the Bumbo seat, and then finally the bed for a nap. We've been on that repeat cycle all day long, and I'm hoping if we're not better by tomorrow she's up for another day of entertaining herself, bless her heart! This is reason numero uno why you don't live hours upon hours away from your family. It's not like I can call up my best friend here and ask her to enter this quaranteened establishment to care for Cate while Towns and I are on the mend. But my mom or mother-in-law would be here in no time flat...flu germs and all! Oh, how I long for the day that we can move closer to home!! (No offense, Decatur, we've really enjoyed our time here, but it's just not the same when your closest relatives are 2 1/2 hours away and can't just pop over when you need a babysitter for the afternoon!) Please say a little prayer for Cate that she doesn't get sick. With her being 4 1/2 months old, but only weighing in at 12 pounds, she'd be one sick baby if she caught this bug.


  1. Oh girls, I am so sorry about the flu bug! No fun. I'll bet that really puts a damper on the daily fashion show you get from Towns! I will be praying that you all feel better and little Cate doesn't catch it.

  2. Sorry you are or have been sick. I hope you are all better now. I heard the flu bug was going around like crazy. How is Miss Cate doing? I hope she has stayed bug free!
