Monday, February 18, 2008

What To Do?

I pose this question in reference to the fact that I just sent my children to Andalusia to stay with my mom until Friday....WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MYSELF?? I have five days of absolutely nothing to do and I can't even begin to think about what it is that I'm going to fill my time with! I love my babies more than life itself, but after having a house full of sicklings for 8 days straight, m-o-m needs a b-r-e-a-k and some s-l-e-e-p! I've gotten into the habit lately of spelling things out. Maybe because my almost-3-year-old is incredibly smart and when I'm talking about things I don't want her to know I'm talking about, it requires a background in Hooked on Phonics. Or SRAs...remember those?? Like when I was making a grocery list the other day and asked Jonathan to check and see if we had any p-o-p-s-i-c-l-e-s. If Towns had heard the word itself, she would've talked about popsicles and why we didn't have any and why couldn't we buy any and why can't we just go to the store right now and get some, etc., etc. until she was blue in the face. So in an effort to save myself five minutes of answering question upon question about our timliness of buying popsicles and so forth, I just spell things out. It really saves me a lot of time and energy. Especially since Towns is so into the "but why?" thing these days. Everything I tell her is followed by "why?" and when I make my best attempt to answer the question it's once again followed with "but why though?". I love that about her. As exhausting and challenging as it is, I enjoy her being so interested in what's going on around her. However, I have a degree in marketing and finance. Not rocket science. So the other day when she asked me to explain to her why it's dark at night and light during the day, I had a little trouble. Yes, I can handle the whole "the sun comes out during the day to give us light, and at night when we're supposed to be asleep the sun goes away and the moon comes out". And then came "but why?". When my second answer wasn't good enough, she then wanted to know exactly where the sun went when at night. Naturally, after that she wanted to know where the moon went during the day. Note to self: stick with "because that's just the way God made it" instead of getting into a discussion with a 2 year old involving words like solar system, orbit, and things of that nature. It's times like these that make me realize I really should have paid attention more in school. Anyway, we're officially over the flu and everything else we've been plagued with. A trip to the pedicatrician last week proved disastrous when we discovered that both Towns and Cate tested positive for the flu, they both had double ear infections, and Towns also tested positive for strep throat. I don't think a lifetime supply of Lysol or Clorox would even touch the amount that's been sprayed in my house over the last week. Praise the Lord, we're done with it now and I hope we never, ever have it again! I had two sick babies on my hands and Jonathan and I both had it too...which doesn't make for a very easy recovery. I'm over the flu and have now moved onto a sinus infection. But that, my friends, I can handle. Anything is better than the f-l-u...


  1. You are so funny! it wasn't until I was at UAB to get my "masters in education"-Elementary Education-that I learned about the moon being on such a schedule, and how it's out equally as much during the day as it is at night! WHO KNEW?!?!?! I'm SO with you on wishing I'd had paid more attention the first go round! Being a teacher and on the other side of it-I've learned a lot! I SO WISH You were in Andalusia to hang out this week too! Sorry we missed you at Chuck E Cheese! It was a between ICU visit-Grandmother is much better! THANKS! Do you know how much I enjoy your blog???? I love it!

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH for reminding me about SRAs!!
