Friday, March 7, 2008

Should I Be Worried?

My friend Darby's post prompted me to share a couple of things that have gone on in our house in just the last week alone. Let it be said that I'm not the one who comes up with this stuff, nor do I entertain my children in this manner when I'm the only one at home with them.

Here's what I saw the other night when J said "hey, see if you can find Towns".

(Please excuse my cluttered fridge. That falls under my list of things I'd like to tackle as soon as I get a chance....which means it will look like that this time next year.)

No explanation needed here...this is what Towns and her Daddy do for laughs on a daily basis. (Not sure how your computer is, but I have to click the play button twice for the video to work.)

My dilemma: Not knowing whether to be more concerned over Jonathan's ability to come up with stuff or Towns' sheer delight in all things dangerous!!


  1. Is Towns taking a dance class or is the pink tutu normal attire for a stylish girl such as she? I think it is great that she is so fearless! Hope you all have a good week.

  2. What!? I just almost choked watching that! I don't know how you watch it...I was terrified for Towns. What a great characteristic of her big personality that she is so brave. You need to get her in Gymnastics or maybe even cliff diving (ha!) later.
