Friday, March 14, 2008

Blizzard of '08

Ok, so maybe not a blizzard per se, but it was more snow than we've ever seen in our 4 years in Decatur! We were up and at 'em before 7:00 so as not to miss out on a minute of it. It was one of those things where you blink and you miss was all melted in a matter of hours. But it was fun while it lasted!
This is what I saw when I opened the shutters in our bedroom window that looks out into the backyard....

It's a little ironic to have new life coming up which means the coming of Spring and it's covered in snow!

We have no grass in our front yard, only ivy and it was so pretty with the snow on it...

Towns didn't really know what to think about it all. She didn't want to get snow on her boots or on her gloves, which makes playing in the snow rather difficult. She's such a priss...

Checking to see if the fountain is was, but what would really have been a neat thing is if we'd had the fountain turned on. We've left it on before when it's gotten below freezing and it will have icicles over a foot long hanging down where the water froze while running over the top.

Jonathan would absolutely kill me for posting this picture, but I think it's pretty sweet (minus the out of control hair and the deer in the headlights look). It was at about 6:45 a.m. and we'd all literally rolled out of bed and out the door...what can you expect?!

Towns showing me the snow that stuck to her glove...this is about 2 seconds before the meltdown that occurred because her gloves were dirty!

After the excitement died down and we were in need of a little defrosting, we headed inside to play with Cindy Loo Who. This is the glorious name Towns has chosen for every baby doll she owns. And trust me, with the all the dolls in our house it's kind of nice that they all have the same name. Makes it much less confusing. The funny thing is that out of all the babies she has, she always goes back to my old Madame Alexander Baby Huggums doll...which I'm afraid to say is over 25 years old! This makes me really happy though. I didn't grow up with every new toy that came out and while she is blessed with an abundance of new things to play with, I love that she's just as happy playing with my ratty old doll in a house we built where the four sides consisted of the foot of the bed, her bedroom wall and the door that leads outside her room, and the bed rail that keeps her from falling off the bed at night (see photos below). It's all about imagination, you know. Cindy Loo Who's doll bed was a plastic drawer from the Rubbermaid stackable drawers in her room that hold her doll clothes, and it also doubled as a playpen for Cate. I think we sat in the "house" for more than two solid hours playing and pretending. That, my friends, is what it's all about.

All the fun completely wore Cate out...

Had to throw this one in....she thinks she's really wearing my earrings (it hasn't registered with her that she has no holes in her ears) and I never tell her otherwise...


  1. You don't think Towns will be JUST like her mother, do you??? HA!

  2. I don't think you could have 2 any cuter!! They are so stinkin' precious!
