Monday, March 24, 2008

Smooth Talker

I thought I was done with blogging for the night. That was until I just witnessed Towns at her finest while we were eating dinner. I'll preface this by saying that she's pretty creative and most times she can work a situation to her advantage. Here's the conversation J & I had with her and the events that unfolded as we were trying to get her to eat her broccoli....

Towns: I just can't eat my broccoli tonight.

J: Why can't you eat your broccoli tonight?

Towns: Because it makes me sick.

Me: Sick? Why does it make you sick?

Towns: It just does. It makes me hurt.

Me: Where does it make you hurt?

Towns: My back (pointing to a specific spot on her back).

J: Oh really? That's not good.

Towns: Yeah. I don't know what we're going to do about it.

Me: Hmmmm. I don't know either.

Towns: AND I can't walk.

After a few minutes and a change of subject to keep us from erupting in profuse laughter, we excused her from dinner. And this is when it gets really funny. She walked around for about ten minutes holding her back and limping. I'm not even kidding, although I wish I was. How on earth can she be like this at age 2?? I really hope this isn't a sign of what's to come or else we're really in for it! As soon as I let her know that we'd put the broccoli away and she didn't have to come back to the dinner table to eat it, she straightened up and the limp went away. Most times I'd have made her eat the broccoli if her back hurt or she was limping or whatever, but this time I couldn't keep a straight face long enough to enforce good eating habits.


  1. hilarious, stinkin' hilarious. i tried to look at your pictures but they never loaded... you should have never left kodak gallery!!

  2. That is SO funny!! What a clever little monster!
