Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Easter really does something to me. It's been my favorite holiday for as long as I can remember for a number of reasons. Maybe I should say it's my favorite reason to celebrate, not my favorite holiday. The word 'holiday' brings to mind days that the bank is closed and that I can't get something mailed. Take the Labor Day holiday for example. It's great to have a day off for a long weekend, but it's not something that has a lot of significance to me personally. In my mind Easter is not just a holiday. It's the single greatest reason on the face of the earth to celebrate, and I hope that you all did just that. I get chills every time I think about why we celebrate Easter. Last week we were out of town and didn't get to participate in Holy Week at our church, but from what I hear it's a shame that we missed it. There were services at noon each day with the purpose of capturing all the sounds of Easter. From the last supper right down to the shouts of the crowd. Can you imagine? Please tell me you try to imagine. Though I'll never be able to fathom even remotely what it was like to be there and see what Jesus endured, it's necessary for me to play it over and over in my mind. It gives me such deep appreciation. Watching The Passion of the Christ is when I first became so intrigued. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I think every single person alive should have to watch it at least once. Or better yet, every other hour! :) That would be a great reminder of the grace bestowed upon us every day!! I've known the story of the crucifixion and resurrection for as long as I can remember, but seeing it with my very own eyes gave it a whole new meaning to me. That's why I would have loved to have been at Holy Week. Friday night was the Tenebrae Service which is a silent service. As the worshipers were exiting the church in virtual silence there were three crosses right outside sanctuary doors with three men hanging on them. Can you imagine seeing such a sight? Our preacher told us Sunday morning that in all that silence he heard someone say as they passed by the crosses "thank you, Jesus". Such a simple statement, but one so deserved. I hope you and your family really captured the essence of what Easter is all about this year. It's not about Easter egg hunts or candy or baskets of stuff, although it does add a little excitement for the kids. It's about Jesus Christ paying the ultimate debt for our sins. He gave His life for us. His life. That's love, my friends!! Everlasting, unconditional, perfect love. If that's not enough to make you want to shout it from the rooftops, I don't know what is!

Here's a link to a video of a man named David Phelps singing my all-time favorite song. I first heard this song at our church right after we moved to Decatur and I loved it so much I wish I'd have known about it long before. This David Phelps guy is the one who wrote the song and in the video it looks he must be performing at a concert. It's great, but imagine being in church and hearing a man sing it (who I must admit might give David a run for his money) with a hundred person choir behind him and a full orchestra in the orchestra pit. That's what it's like at our church when they sing it. UNBELIEVABLE!!!! To say chills bumps and tears in the eyes comes as a result is an understatement. The video is 5 minutes long but SO WORTH WATCHING!! I know we're all busy and 5 minutes seems like a lot, but it will be time well spent! Trust me.

1 comment:

  1. TT, Gotta post that link again and didn't work and after that explanation I've gotta hear/see it! Hope all is well! I still haven't mailed Towns clothes... soon I will! Morgan sees them everyday on the table and says, "Mom we have to mail Towns her clothes!" You'd think by now I would have done it!!

    ps- awesome post!!! love every word!
