Sunday, March 30, 2008


We had a very low key and relaxing weekend. The girls spent Saturday and Sunday with my dad and his girlfriend Laura at my grandmother's house in Childersburg. It hasn't quite been two weeks since we were just in Dothan visiting them, but my dad had a meeting in Birmingham and any time he's this close to us he's got to see his grandchildren. I didn't object. Even though I'm stingy with my babies and rarely let them leave home without me, it's also not too often that anyone in our family is close enough to us to steal them away for the weekend. J and I enjoyed ourselves and celebrated our 4th anniversary a few days early. The kiddos are home again and it's back to business as usual. I've got a lot of blogging to catch up on...we had Towns' 3rd birthday party last weekend (a month early) and I've yet to even mention that! I'm such a blog slacker these days!


  1. wish I would've been in Cburg so I could have seen them!!

  2. Hi Tara, I don't know if you'll remember me but we were at AU together. I don't really know how I happened upon your blog but I'm glad I did. You have 3 precious daughters and look so very happy. Congrats!

    I have been married for almost 7 years and have 2 little girls, Mary Margaret (4 years old) and Harper Jane (7 months).

    You have a beautiful family. So glad to see that you are doing well:)
