Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My New Favorites...

Since I have nothing better to do at 9:15 on a Wednesday night(HA), thought I'd share my newest obsessions:

This is all I drink these days and I LOVE IT. I love plain ol' H2O as good as the next girl, but it's fun to spice it up a little. It's great because it's got just enough flavor to satisfy my sweet tooth, but without a lot of calories. You can't beat that!

When I need a real snack and not just my Propel, this is my absolute favorite. In theory, they're really only good for you if you eat them in moderation. However, my (ir)rational thinking sometimes gets the best of me and I can eat a whole bag with the justification that rice cakes are surely good for you. Even if you eat 50 of them. In my defense, they're bite size.

This girl here, Kat, is probably the most creative chick I've seen in a while. She does the cutest personalized screen printed shirts I've ever laid eyes on. And that's just part of it. The link above is just to her infant/toddler t-shirts, but go on ahead and check out everything else she has because it's all too cute not to be seen. And supposedly she's got a full time job at HGTV (don't quote me on that) and this is something she does on the addition to raising her two young children. Obviously she's got more hours in her day than I do. Actually, it's probably more so that she's way more organized than I am and can juggle things like a champ. She sends your order out super quick, and the icing on the cake: it'll come with a handwritten note thanking you for your business. Now that's service with a smile!


  1. I loved my Kat in the Hat stuff I ordered from Jenny's show. I was also very shocked with the handwritten note...that is CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!

  2. I got a cute Kat in the Hat onesie from sweet Aunt Jess for William and now that I have seen the website, I do believe that William will have more!

  3. Wow, I must say I am (almost) speechless. I just want to say, with all due respect, that I have worked so incredibly hard, to create and build my business. So many, many all-nighters, so many weekends, never a break for two years--to the point of 2 hospitalizations. To figure it out, to make it work. My husband is in school--this is my livelihood. It truly hurts me that you are so blatantly doing what I am doing. And that you once posted on my behalf, even ordered from me. Just please consider this as you go forward. I know you must be creative and talented...can't you come up with a product line all your own? I never want to be ugly to anyone, but I am truly stunned to discover your things.Retail is brutal...that is one thing I have learned. But still, you can't prepare yourself for stuff like this.
