Friday, March 14, 2008

We've Got a Sitter!

Yay for Cate Bug who's officially sitting up! She's been working on this new trick for at least two months now, but today she finally mastered it. And it's the cutest thing EVER! I've come to realize that Cate and Towns are pretty different and there's no comparing them. I used to beat myself up about not being able to spend as much one on one time with Cate as I did with Towns. I'm sorry to say that I'd convinced myself that since Towns was sitting up by 4 months, crawling at 5, walking at 9, etc. naturally Cate should too. But after a while it started to sink in that they're totally different children. I mean, when you think about it Cate's almost 6 months old and has just hit 13 pounds. So she's probably ahead of the game when you take into consideration her size. Or at least that's my rationalization! She's a sharp little thing and is constantly taking in everything around her and I know she's perfect in her own way. She'll do everything in her own time and I love her little 13 pound self to pieces!

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