Wednesday, April 30, 2008

And The Award Goes To....

....Bethany Brooks McClendon for being the best step-daughter/big sister EVER!!! You were a total rockstar last weekend and helped me out more than you know! And all without even being asked! :) I really try hard not to ask BBM to help with the girls because with 3 brothers at home and 2 sisters here, she gets her fair share of big sister duties. But sometimes she can sense that I'm about to lose it and steps right in! If I had four more hands I could handle it just fine. And since I don't, this is one of the many times Bethany is a God-send. Prime example: After the weekend's festivities (post coming later), we were exhausted and by the time Sunday morning rolled around, I'm ashamed to say that I slept right through my alarm. We only had enough time for half of us to get dressed and get to church, so Towns and I went so I could teach our Sunday School class and Jonathan, Bethany and Cate stayed at home. After church I walk in to a spotless kitchen (it was a wreck since I flew out the door in a hurry for church and didn't have time to clean up after breakfast). The sweet child had scrubbed the countertops, swept the floor, and gotten down on her hands and knees to mop. Have you ever??!! Not only did I have a clean kitchen, but she'd also cleaned up Towns' room that looked like a tornado had blown through. That afternoon she put Cate in the Baby Bjorn and kept her entertained for a while (if you know Bug, you know that it takes a lot to keep her occupied). And did I mention she was a champ and played with Towns like it was her job?? You're THE BEST BBMac!! I owe you big time!


  1. Could you please send BBM down here. I'm having a hard time reaching the floors!? She could have 3 hours off every afternoon and I'd bring her fruity virgin drinks by the pool all afternoon if she's willing!:)

  2. That's awesome! I love someone that likes to clean, although I have become quite a messy person recently. Way to go Bethany!! I hope things have calmed down this week.
