Saturday, May 3, 2008

Impromptu Photo Shoot

My hubby has been out of town since Wednesday for work (in Orlando, no less {the one place I've been dying to take the girls}) and is flying in tomorrow morning, so the past 4 days have been jam packed with motherly/sisterly love. It's been just us girls the entire time and we've made the most of it! This is an annual trip for Jonathan, and in the years past I've always had family come stay with us while he's gone or either we've packed up and gone to visit someone. This year I decided that we'd take full advantage of some down time and I'm so very glad we did. However, today was the last full day to ourselves and I had to get creative as to how to keep the kids entertained. You can only play babies, dollhouse, doctor, school, etc. so many times before you've got to change it up a little. So late this afternoon after a bike ride around the neighborhood, we rode a few street over to the rose garden and took a few (or 200) pictures. The only way this materialized was by promising Towns that if she cooperated we'd have a picnic there for dinner. She's entirely too busy to be still long enough for picture taking, and as you'll see in the pictures Cate's gotten that way as well. Therefore, I have very few good ones of her. Usually she's only happy if she's looking everywhere but the camera! The poor baby fell over today as she was sitting and playing in Towns' room and scratched her face, and she's very red-eyed because of her allergies. So please excuse how pitiful she looks! You can tell that her cooperation only lasted a short time before she decided she was done. Her patience wore thin pretty quickly due to lack of sleep today. I probably shouldn't have included some of the pictures of them showing their tempers, but I thought they were too funny not to share! Click here for the pics! Oh, can't forget to mention that Cate started crawling today!! It's the cutest thing I've ever seen! I LOVE that girl!!

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