Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, Towns!

This 3rd birthday of Towns' is bittersweet for me. I was fine with the 1st birthday and then the 2nd. But for some reason the 3rd birthday makes me feel like she's not a baby anymore! She's always been an independent little thing, but even more so now that she's getting older. Towns single-handedly changed my life forever....I just thought I knew what love was. Then she came along and I've never been the same since! I love this kid more than life itself and I can't imagine what I ever did without her! Happy birthday, Townsy!!!! I LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Towns!! You're such a big girl now!! We send hugs and kisses to you! love, Darby, Morgan & Paige
