Thursday, April 24, 2008

Her Future's So Bright...

Happy 7 Month Birthday, Bugaboo!!

This last month has really been a productive one for Cate! She's grown a ton over the last few weeks which makes me feel like she's finally a real baby. That sounds odd, I know. But until the last month or so she's been so tiny and fragile! And now she's finally growing and getting her own little personality. A very sassy one at that!! She's really thinking she's as big as Towns and tries to do everything her sister does. She's constantly babbling, and anything that her hands touch goes straight into her mouth! That's probably because she's been teething, but this week her two bottom teeth finally broke through. Hallelujah! She's been working on those suckers for a long time now! Her most favorite thing to do is to get up on all fours and rock back and forth like she wants to go so bad! It won't be long before she's majorly mobile. She can get where she wants to go by pulling herself with her arms, but I'm just waiting for her to figure out she can get there faster by crawling! She's already started realizing that she can pull up on anything as long as it's just the right height. It's unbelievable to think that those firsts steps really aren't that far away! I want to keep her little as long as I can!! I could squeeze her to pieces when she's the sweetest sound in the world. Towns can make her laugh like crazy, and another thing that gets her every time is when I put baby lotion on her. I haven't a clue why that's so funny, but I love how tickled she gets. She's at a stage right now where she loves to be held tight and given lots o' that pretty much sums up what I do all day long with her! AND I LOVE IT!!! She really is a funny thing at such a young age. What makes me laugh the most is that she'll wait until she's got your full attention and then put on a doesn't matter what she's doing at the time, as long as you're watching her she's going to do it BIG! The girl loves an audience!
This first picture is of Cate on her pink hippo (she should thank Towns for the hand-me-down!) and the second picture is of Towns right about the same age laying on it too. Sweet, sweet, sweet!

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