Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Never A Dull Moment

Laying out on her beach towel on the (covered) front porch thinking she's getting sun.
Yesterday as we were driving down the road I was quizing Towns on general facts that she needs to know. Things like her address, her last name, mine and Jonathan's names....information she should know just in case. This was probably fresh on my mind because as we were in mall yesterday trying to find birthday cards in Hallmark, I turned around and she was gone. Seriously gone. Not just a few feet away on another aisle. My heart started beating out of my chest and my calling her name turned into screaming her name at the top of my lungs. Panic doesn't even come close to what I was feeling. Lately she's really gotten bad about walking away from me when we're out and about. Call it getting a little more independent or call it being completely fearless of everything. I don't know. But for whatever reason, the "you can't walk away from me because I could lose you forever" talk goes in one ear and out the other. Until yesterday when she thought she lost me forever. What seemed like minutes was probably only seconds before I heard her out in the middle of the mall yelling "I WANT MY MOMMY....WHERE'S MY MOMMY". A nice woman with a baby picked her up right as I was running out of Hallmark to get to her. It took her about 30 minutes before she finally calmed down and quit crying. I never wanted that to happen, and thank the good Lord above it wasn't worse than it was, but I think that just might have cured her desire to walk around on her own. And the crazy thing is that she was with me one second and the next she was gone. I didn't even think she was gone long enough to get to another aisle, much less out to the middle of the mall. It can happen so quickly which scares the life out of me. But back to the story....after all that I decided to quiz her to see what all she knew and she was answering my questions like a champ. I moved on to other questions just for fun. Usually these question and answer sessions produce great quotes from her. This time was no different! We were talking about animals and here are the two answers that were too funny not to write down so I won't forget....

Me: Towns, where do eggs come from?
Towns: The Easter bunny.
Me: Or maybe chickens?
Towns: Yes, I think you're right about that.
Me: Well, where does milk come from? (Thinking she'll say 'cows' because she's known that forever.)
Towns: The refrigerator.

Can't really argue with that, now can you?

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