Tuesday, April 22, 2008

OOC '08

Pardon my lack of blogging the last few weeks. We've taken full advantage of this spring weather so if we're awake, we're outside! I've got a lot to catch up on, but let's start with the most fun happening of all....OOC Weekend 2008! Rigsby treated us to a fabulous relaxing weekend at "The Beach House" (aka the most beautiful place in the world) and it made coming back to reality pretty tough! This is the one guaranteed trip we take together every year and it's a blast no matter where we are! Jess, Ginny, Jenn and I met Rigs at the beach Thursday night to get ready for the arrival of the rest of the crew on Friday. We didn't have much to do besides get lots o' food ready. And when I say lots, I do mean lots. Friday afternoon we assembled the welcoming committee on the front porch and didn't move until time for dinner. Friday night we discovered the hard way that we need to have the FCOF first thing because we were all scared to strike up conversation in fear of spoiling some good circle time scoop! Never fear, Saturday we parked ourselves by the bay in lounge chairs (and Ginny in her tent) and let the good times roll. We caught up on everything that's going on in our lives and pretty much everything else under the sun! When the OOC weekenders get to talking, well, there's just no telling where it will all end up! Afterwards, we pushed Ginny and AK out the door to the grocery store so we could set up for Ginny's surprise baby shower for little William. She was probably a little onto us, but I think in the end she was pleasantly surprised at the outcome! Sweet Three Lines Crowe even got a few early treats! Saturday night we had a Mexican fiesta (after our Olan Mills photo shoot of course) and broke out old photo albums. I promise that wearing black pants everywhere then was cool. It just doesn't really look like it now that I look back on it! We were in bed before midnight (sadly enough) and got up Sunday morning to head home. Get ready, Jess! OOC '09 will be here before we know it!!

If you look closely you'll see the welcoming committee!

This is where the circle of friends took place...bet you wish you knew what all was said! HA!

Enjoying the porch from heaven!

We all got cleaned up and got ready for the baby shower...

61 channeling her inner Giselle!

AK and Ginny made it back from the grocery....finally!


Do you know how many times we took this picture before we finally got a good one?! We succeeded and got a photo for this year's Christmas card (thanks in advance, Jess)!

Thanks for such a great time, Rigsby! You're officially initiated into the Hostest with the Mostest Club! Now AK and Jenn can't haze you!! LOVE YOU!!!


  1. Goodness, I do look like Giselle don't I ?!?!? Great post. I was so much fun. Can't wait until next time.

  2. Great Post. It is funny how we have all posted something and they have all been a little different! I wish I was still at the beach house with everyone. Work just does not compare to this past weekend!
