Monday, April 7, 2008

Whirlwind Weekend

This past weekend was busy one at the McClendon household. I took on a sewing job for a friend and her sister's little boys. It's the first time I've ever hired myself out as a seamstress. I love to sew for my own children (which is nerve racking enough). But when I'm doing it for someone else? Well that's just stress on another level all together. I managed to get through it without any major catastrophes and all is well. Bethany has emerged as a Mini Martha so I must brag on her. She got the notion to make a purse for her friend out of some of my scrap material and ribbon, and it turned out to be the cutest thing ever! I was so proud. She did an excellent job despite my teaching ability. What's crazy is that it took her less than 20 minutes to complete the whole thing!

I also took on the role as hair stylist and cut Bethany's hair. I've cut her hair several times in the past and am even more nervous about doing that than I am about sewing for someone else. We managed to get a fun new look for her....we copied Lauren Conrad's new 'do. I think it's cuter on Bethany than it is on LC herself! :) BBM treated Towns to a Miley Cyrus makeover which was hysterical. She transformed the dining room into a dressing room complete with wardrobe, hair and make-up. Towns has always thought her big sister is the coolest person on earth, and now more so than ever!

Bug learned to stand up (with help of course), and Towns finally learned how to ride her bike (followed by her first wreck)....

J nearly killed Bethany when he had the bright idea to ride her tiny bike with her on the handlebars. That's Towns at the bottom of the picture running for cover...

Top it off with a home made photo shoot (you've got to capitalize on the picture taking when Cate's in a good mood {see very bottom photos and captions}) and you've got yourself the typical weekend around here. Never a dull moment!

The running joke with Bethany is that she thinks Cate doesn't like her...I took this picture thinking that I was finally going to get a good one of the two of them. The minute Bethany kissed her cheek this is what happened...

(Bethany doesn't really get her feelings hurt about can tell from the picture above that we laugh about it!)

So I decided to try it minute she's happy

And the next minute....

If it's remotely a possibility (given her older sister), I think Cate's going to be my dramatic child!

1 comment:

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