Thursday, April 3, 2008

Out To Lunch

This is what I feel that I am most of the time. Two things that have happen just today make me come to the conclusion that I'm slowly going crazy. First, I went out of the house this morning with one brown flip flop on my left foot and one black flip flop on my right. No comments please. Secondly, I did this huge post about Towns' birthday party and when I hit the "publish post" button my post was nowhere to be found. I was rather upset since I spent so much time on it. Time that I really should have spent being more productive. Then I realized that since I started the birthday post yesterday, it doesn't show up at the top of my blog. It's published in the spot where it would have been had I actually finished it yesterday...a spot where no one would see it since it's not at the top of the page. Bummer. So after all that madness, here it is.

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