Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Today Towns was playing in the back of my car (the 3rd row of seats weren't down so there was a lot of space for her to play) while I was unloading groceries. I said something to her to the affect that she needed to get out so we could go inside. She didn't act like she heard me so I called her name to get her attention. Here's the conversation that followed....

Towns: Actually, I'm not Towns. You can call me Hannah Montana.

Me: Alright then, Hannah, it's time to get out of the car.

Towns: Well, I can't right now. The "poparapsi" (paparazzi) will get me.

Me: I highly doubt the "poparapsi" in Decatur, AL is anything to worry about so get on out and let's go inside.

Towns: Oh, allllright. I guess I won't get an allergy if I get out of the car.

Me: A what??

Towns: An allergy.

Me: What's an allergy?

Towns. You know.

The funny thing about her right now is that she's into saying big words, and half the time she knows what they mean and how to use them (like paparazzi, even though she can't exactly pronounce it right). And then there are times when she says these big words and doesn't have a clue. What can I say? The girl cracks me up like no other!

1 comment:

  1. that is the funniest conversation i have EVER heard!
    kiss little hannah montana for me!
