Wednesday, June 25, 2008

9 Months

Sweet little wet footprints

Cate was 9 months old yesterday and it's absolutely breaking my heart that she's only 3 months away from her first birthday. It's KILLING me! I can't get over how the time has flown by, and I want to keep her just like she is for a long, long time. She's still the sweetest little thing, but I can't deny that she's got a lot of sass in her too! People tell me it's her red hair. I wouldn't know! :) She's into anything her eyes land on...especially Towns' toys. She pulls up on everything and thinks she can take off and walk, but then realizes that she can get to where she's going much quicker if she crawls. Her new thing is clapping her hands which she thinks is hilarious! She's completely and madly in love with her Daddy and thinks there's nothing greater in the world than him. I'm waiting for my day to come! Happy 9 month birthday, Cate-Cate! I love you!!

Clapping her hands...

This is how she crawls if she doesn't like the way the ground feels...I have pictures of me doing this same thing in the sand when I was her age. Guess we're more alike than I thought!

She totally cracks herself up doing this...she's such an acrobat already!


  1. I didn't know Cate had red hair until I saw the beach pictures! A mini-tt...I love it!

  2. I hope she is a cheerleader or something like that! It won't be long until I am spotting her in her back handspring and tuck!
