Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Time On My Hands

Cate and I have had the afternoon to ourselves (thanks to my friend Amy who gladly took Towns to Point Mallard with her so Hart would have a playmate, and my Towns gladly accepted the invite because she's always up for anything if Mrs. Amy and Hart are part of the equation). It's been low key and quiet here with no Towns. We played in the floor a while, and then when the mail came the two of us browsed through a few magazines....

Cate took The New Yorker while I perused Chez Ami.

She quickly came to the conclusion that The New Yorker was not her thing and opted for the cute clothing catalog instead. Can't say that I blame her.

So I'm trying to decide if I should cut Towns' hair. I have two super cute little girls in Princess Ballerina Camp this week with chin-length blond hair who remind me so much of Towns....and I can't help but think that she'd be just as cute as they are with short hair. Here's a picture of my girls (I hope their mamas don't mind them being plastered on the internet...I won't reveal any names) and the two little ones I'm talking about are the two on the very left of the top row...Snow White and the little girl to her left with the pink leotard. Pink leotard girl has a headband in her hair so you can't get the full effect, but she's oh so cute with that haircut. I've never let Towns' hair get way too long so it's not like I'm completely attached to it, but it's never been too short to be in a ponytail either. Dilemma. Thoughts??

Speaking of ballerinas...Jess asked about my pretty pink outfit that I mentioned before and requested a picture. Here's the thing, Jess, I'll give you the picture...but without me in it!

This is Amy's dance costume from high school (if I remember correctly). I have umpteen outfits just like this in my mother's attic, but I don't think any of them are as pretty as this! I'm very thankful Amy let me borrow this. I couldn't exactly go through all my old dance costumes being that I'm 300 miles away from them so I was going to have to craft one myself since I had no other options. No telling how that would have turned out.

Can you tell that I don't know what to do with myself when I have a little extra time on my hands? I'm afraid if I didn't have a million things to do in a days time this is what my life would consist of...blogging. One more thing and then I've really got to go...I've been feeling a little guilty about seemingly not enjoying our beach trip. That couldn't be further from the truth. I'd take a beach trip with the fam over cooking and cleaning any day. I had a really great time and so did my day while floating down the lazy river (aka "lazy liver" or "lazy lizard" according to Towns) Towns asked if we could just stay at the beach forever. I told her that our home is in Decatur and she said "well we can just sell it away". I'm thinking that she put the concept of giving it away and selling it together and came up with "sell it away". I'm really with her on the idea and would gladly go along with it if at all possible. I always knew she was a smart kid...


  1. I'm gonna be TICKED if I don't get to see you in that costume!

  2. i think the bob would be precious on townes...her personality fits last few posts..(cate reading CA was classic!)just getting caught up!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Im going to need to see the costume on you. It hanging on a hanger hanging on your shutters....I just can't get the full effect..HA

  5. I think Towns would look very cute with short hair!

  6. I think Towns would look very cute with short hair!

  7. I am thinking that TT should model the Princess Ballerina outfit at Jess's new house OOC 2009 if not sooner. Complete with a dance routine of course!! Love you TT, Cate's little footprints are so sweet!
