Thursday, June 12, 2008

Quotes of the Day

I should have added this to my previous post, but forgot all about it so I'll do it now...

A few of my favorite moments from today (I'll save the best for last):

Towns and Max were sitting on the kitchen stools while eating lunch. Towns has been sitting and eating like this since she was probably a year old so the stools aren't anything new to her. Which is why when she was making her stool rock back and forth seemingly so that she'd fall off of it, Max screams "TOWNS YOU'RE MAKING ME NERVOUS SO PLEASE QUIT ROCKING OR ELSE YOU'LL FALL!!!"...when she refused to stop just to fuel the fire and get him going he politely turns to her and says in a calm and gentle voice "Towns I'm not kidding, you're making me aggrivating."

We made a Post Office run this afternoon and on he way home I was stopped at a red light in a lane where I was going to turn right. There were several cars in front of me at this red light and since there was no traffic coming, they went ahead and turned. Each time a car in front of us turned right, Anna Grace protested their decision to "break the law". As each car went she'd say "oooh, that car just did it too....and there goes that car....they're NOT supposed to be running that red light." I explained to her that it's perfectly ok to turn right on red as long as no cars are coming. And then she says "man, that's so cool, we can't do that in Andalusia."

My favorite of them all....

I was holding Towns in my lap in a rare two minute time span that she was actually still today. I had my arms around her and asked her who she loved...just knowing she'd say ME. Her top answer? Jesus. If that doesn't make a mom proud, I don't know what will!

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