Saturday, June 14, 2008

A STAR is Born!

That's what my little Townsy is...she's destined for stardom!! She had her first dance recital tonight and was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life! She looked like an absolute doll on stage. And the best part was at the end of the dance when everyone clapped she thought it was ALL for her. The look on her face was priceless! Being that it's a class of 2 and 3 year olds they don't exactly stay in sync, but it's really all just for fun and entertainment (for the audience) at that age anyway! All I know is that it didn't matter if she got all the moves right or not...the girl LOVES the stage! She's a girl after my own heart...

Here's the video of her dance followed by pictures. (Make sure to watch around the 45 second mark because while all of the kids are doing what the teacher is showing them to do, she's copying the teacher exactly and she looks like she's trying to swim. Ms. Alicia was standing in front of the stage which is about chest high, so she's using her hands to show them what to do with their feet. She's showing them how to point their toes out in front of them one foot at a time and you'll see that Towns is doing that with her hands and not her feet. Hard to explain, but you'll see what I'm talking about. And it's probably only funny if you were there to see the teacher and Towns at the same time to know what was going on. Then near the end where they're turning around, she never stops turning which is what the audience is laughing at!)

And for good measure, here's a video I got of her cartwheel that she's been working on at least 4,700 times a day. She's practiced enough that she's pretty darn good at it to just be 3! And she's mucho proud of herself, too!


  1. So cute! I hate I missed it! I just can't get over how cute she looks! Can't wait to see yall today! Be safe driving before yall get me! I know yall want to go fast so you can see me sooner! JK! Tell Towns she looked BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Cute...tell me where she takes that allows 2 year olds. I want Gracie to start this fall.
