Monday, July 14, 2008

A Day at Bridge Street

I think I might be the only person in north AL who has yet to visit Huntsville's Bridge Street, but today was the day. And I'm in love! We didn't have much on the agenda this morning, so I took the girls and we strolled around for hours. Bethany was with us and I think she might have liked it even better than I did...she's the shopper extraordinaire of the family! When we drove up (of course she voted for valet), she thought the place had been picked up from the streets of LA and dropped right here in our backyard! She was in awe of all the stores and had to have her picture made in front of all the "famous" ones! If I had a winning lottery ticket, I could have bought her all the fabulous things she put on her wish list (mainly at the Apple store)! Here are a few highlights from the day....

B at Juicy Couture

B in front of Ketchup...where she says the showdown between Heidi and LC took place on The Hills last season, hence the reason she nearly had a massive coronary when she spotted it!

Towns taking a rest in Kate Spade

Sweet little Cate was just along for the ride and was a doll the whole time...her treat was Maggie Moo's ice cream and she LOVED it! Cheesecake with cookie dough was her personal fave (and mine too)!

Towns thought this was a stage and she performed a few numbers (not even stopping to care that everyone was watching her)

The carousel was our last stop...

And finally, a group shot on the bench in front of Cantina Laredo (which I just know is bound to be my new favorite Mexican spot)

It was a great day, gorgeous weather, and I had the most fun company a girl could ask for!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, when did I miss that Huntsville is booming?!?!? I LOVE Maggie Moo's , Cantina Laredo (look out for those rita's, Kate Spade, and Juicy. Looks like I'll get a cheaper flight to AL next summer instead of LA!
