Sunday, July 13, 2008


A few (read: lots of) pictures from the last couple of weeks...

We went to Montgomery a couple of weeks ago to visit my aunt, cousin and grandmother. Cate got introduced to Diet Coke (everyone in my family is obsessed!) and now she thinks every Diet Coke can she sees obviously should belong to her the way she tries to get her little mouth on it! Towns enjoyed spending time with Mary Catherine and was in heaven because Mary Cat does whatever Towns asks her to do without hesitating. Mary Cat's boyfriend, Cam, came over to meet Towns and Cate and he was a hit to say the least! Mary C is 16 and she and I are very much alike so it's always fun to spend a little quality time with her. Melissa and Granny kept the girls one night so MC and I could do dinner, a movie, and a late night Target was the highlight of my week! We enjoyed Bethany's company too...she came and spent the night with us...wish she'd have been there the night we got way too into Guitar Hero...that was a first for me! I always leave Montgomery wishing we still lived there...Decatur is WAY too far north for me! :)

Aunt Melissa giving Cate her first taste of DC!

Mary Catherine and Towns in the pool

Mary C and Cam (the boyfriend)

Bethany and Cate

Towns learned how to get herself out of the pool without using the steps or the ladder...she's pretty strong!

Towns, Cate and Granny (she wasn't excited about having her picture made "without her face painted")

These next pictures are from the splash pad last week...

Let me explain this one...I know she's only 9 1/2 months so technically she shouldn't be in this car seat, but we only live 2 blocks from the splash pad and we wanted to see how she liked riding this you can see by her face SHE LOVED IT! The bad news is that now she can't stand the infant carrier because she's gotten a taste of the good life!

I love her little profile...

Not sure what the look on her face was about!

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