Wednesday, July 9, 2008

This Is The Face...

{Cate at 2:30 a.m. raring to go!}

...of a baby who NEVER sleeps!!!!
Of course, you wouldn't know it because she's all smiles and on the go all the time...and I do mean all the time!! I don't know what I'm going to do with this girl. We had the craziest day yesterday and with only 2 ten minute naps I thought sure she'd sleep like a rock all night long. Much to my dismay, that was NOT the case! After going to bed at 8:00 and having a bottle around 11:30, by 2:30 she'd obviously had all the sleep she needed and was ready to
p-l-a-y until almost 5 a.m.! {I wanted to cry}
This is the point where I stop and ask myself how on earth it's come to this. Now she's 9 months old, she rarely ever takes naps, she still doesn't sleep through night, and the icing on the cake is that by 5 a.m. she's up and ready to go! I wish I could backtrack and fix it all before it ever got like this!! Apparently I'm dealing with two very different children here, but Towns' sleeping habits were what dreams are made of...two or three great naps during the day and slept at least twelve hours every night. Oh, but not my Cate. She's under the impression that she's going to miss something if she even thinks about closing her eyes. And as a result of all this, I'd be loving the opportunity to close mine!!
Back to yesterday...Cate had her 9 month check-up (2 weeks late) and I just knew she was going to have gained a ton of weight...she's been very heavy on the hip these days which is what led me to have such high hopes. Nope! She's only 17 pounds, 10th percentile in height, and 25th in weight. The good news is that she went from 10th percentile in weight at her 6 month check-up all the way to the 25th percentile this go 'round. I was proud of her, of course. But 17 pounds??!! We need to add a few more rolls to those arms and legs!
Towns had a big day yesterday...gymnastics, Princess Ballerina Camp, she so sweetly accompanied Cate to the doctor to "hold her hand just in case" (we thought she was going to get shots, but she lucked out and didn't get any), and then a super fun trip to Point Mallard with our friends Amy and Hart that afternoon that lasted almost right up until bedtime! I'm thankful that Towns slept like a champ...even if her sister didn't follow suit! :)
As usual, a wild and crazy day doesn't stop me and my camera...

{thanks JM for headhunting the outfits for me! they were perfect! }

On our way into Point Mallard {the kiddos could hardly contain themselves}
Hart and Towns...can you tell they're big buddies?!
Cate loving the new float Amy gave her...


  1. TT, I am wondering what has happened to my sleeping baby too! William has decided that morning naps are not for him, which makes it very difficult for his mommy to get dressed in a timely fashion in the am! His sweet little smile and cooing make the rush to dress worth it though.

  2. I guess I better get ready for these all-nighters, huh?!?!?
