Monday, July 7, 2008

As Madonna Says...

Don't just stand there

Let's get to it

Strike a pose

There's nothing to it...
This is Cate's latest trick...she'll be on all fours and then pop her left leg (or her right, depending on how sporty she's feeling) straight up in the air and she'll hold it there for as long as she can. It's the funniest thing ever, and every time she does it she knows we're going to laugh, so she does it simply for the reaction. I've never had my camera handy at just the right moment...until tonight when we were at the splash pad and she struck this pose on the bench. It's not the best picture of her doing it, but still cute! Usually her leg is much higher in the air. I think I got her mid-pose here!


  1. That is too funny! Did you talk to Jenny today, I was at Eloise and Henry, they have the outfit in 24 month and the dress to match.

  2. She called me yesterday...I'm going by this a.m.! Thanks!!

  3. Cate is too stinkin' cute with all her posing!

  4. love it...may need to keep her away from my little gray bug, that leg will really get high! thanks for being such a wonderful ballerina for the little princess!

  5. I love it! It's even funnier that she does it just to get you guys to laugh. What a personality!
