Friday, August 29, 2008


Way too much to blog about, and way too little time! Here are a multitude of posts all rolled into one...

We've spent a lot of late afternoons at the park by the river (Towns calls it "my birthday party park" since she's had her last two birthday parties there...what can I say, we might have overdone it but it's the absolute perfect party spot and the kids love it's special because it's been our favorite place to play since Towns and Bethany were a lot younger). It's nice right at 6:30 or so when the sun is almost down and it's not so hot. This particular day was a treat because we got to see two pretty neat sailboats on the river. Click on Cate and Towns below to see the rest of the pictures....

A few weekends ago my dad rented a house on the lake in Guntersville and invited us to tag along. We had a fabulous and relaxing weekend complete with lots of grilling, jet skis, a failed attempt to take a stab at intertubing with a broken tube (for the record 12 year old Bethany is much better at pulling an intertube than her father...HA), and spent some quality time with my dad's side of the family who we don't get to see as much as we'd like to. This picture of Bethany and Towns makes me on them and you'll get more pictures!

Towns started ballet class a couple of weeks ago. Yours truly is her teacher! This week on the way to class I snapped a few pictures because she was ever so excited about the way I cut the feet of her tights so she could pull them up on her legs and wear them like "the big girl ballerinas" do. Cate looks a little pitiful in these pics...this is 24 hours after surgery. Don't let her fool you though. She hasn't missed a beat!

Bethany was here last weekend and was in one of those moods where she wanted to get a new look. Every few months she'll ask me to cut her hair, and I'm just as nervous about doing it now as I was the first time (years ago) she ever asked me to cut it. It was one of those rainy, blah weekends where we didn't have much to do so she said she wanted to chop her hair off. I asked her how she wanted it and she said "like that" as she pointed to my hair. Minus the layers, of course, so that made it pretty simple. We cut it little by little until she was sure we'd gone short enough. The only criteria was still having a ponytail. Mission accomplished!

Two weekends ago my sweet friend Anna Kate (more affectionately known as "Roommate") celebrated the upcoming birth of baby Katherine and I wouldn't have missed it for the world! Her shower was in Birmingham and it was so much fun seeing all of girls we spent long hours studying (translation: playing) with at Auburn. Ahhh, memories! Katherine got loads of fabulous clothes and other goodies and I've already begged AK to display it and take pictures so I could see it all again because it was so much to take in at one time! After the shower our crew went to AK's beautiful new casa, and let's just say that baby Katherine is one lucky chick to get to come home to such a gorgeous nursery and wardrobe! She's blessed in every way, that's for sure!

Wish I would have gotten better pictures of AK opening her gifts, but here she is super excited about the owl finger puppet!

Baby William was glad all of his OOC aunts officially interrupted his nap schedule. This car seat business lasted all of .4 seconds before his Aunt TT busted him out of there! Is he not the cutest?! William, if you like older women Cate's totally available in 30 years...that's when she's allowed to start dating.

Blazer, Jess, Jenn, Tara (61) & Baby Blair, Tara (TT), Anna Kate & Baby Katherine, Ginny

Tara, Claire & Blazer

So after several months of Cate's desperate attempt to walk, I finally decided it was time to try to give her a little help. Towns never had a walker (if that's what they're even called these days) so we didn't have one to pass down to Cate. Towns took off at 9 months and never slowed down so we never needed one! Cate's taking her dear sweet time which is perfectly fine with me. I want to keep her little as long as I can. However, when I spotted this cute little thing at Target the other day I couldn't resist. She LOVES it and thinks she's big time pushing it around.

The bad news is that the red-head temper comes out when she pushes it into something and can't get going again. I don't know where she gets that from!

Towns is very into using her imagination. She's always been this way, but even more so now that she's learning the "I want to be ____ when I grow up" concept. All week she's been fascinated with being a nurse. And today she's into teaching (something she's always really enjoyed because Bethany plays school with her all the time). She lined up her dolls, Lulu the lamb, her special Care Bear Grandmommy gave her, and her pink bouncing donkey who was too big to sit with the rest of the class and read her little heart out to them. Welcome to "The Handy Manny School"....she picked the name, naturally.

The other thing she loves is pretending she's a mom. Here she is with her stroller and my Baby Huggums dolls (circa 1982). Out of all the dolls she has, this is her favorite to play with!

Something funny she said the grocery store she spotted the aisle full of Halloween candy and begged to take a look at it so she could pick out what she wanted. Being the frazzled mom that I am in the grocery store with two children who doesn't always think things through before I say them, I told her that Wal-Mart's rule was that we couldn't buy Halloween candy until closer to Halloween. She didn't say anything but I could tell her brain was hard at work. Ten minutes later in the check out line I'd forgotten about the candy, but she hadn't. She looked at me with the most innocent look and said "there's no Wal-Mart rule about Halloween, you just didn't want me to have any chocolate, did you?" what do you say to that?!

Happy Labor Day weekend! We're headed to the Loveliest Village on the Plains! And I can't get there fast enough!! WAR EAGLE!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun post! Y'all have been busy! Did you know we had our wedding reception at Rhodes Ferry Park? We set up a big tent right by the river. It was ideal for me and my outside-loving husband! :) I do love that place! Towns & Cate can't get any cuter! I like how Towns got excited about you cutting her tights!'s totally the little things!
