Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Praise God!!!!!

My baby is home and well!! She's a tough cookie, that's for sure. Everything went as planned and thank the Lord there were no surprises. She had the urachal remnant (bladder to naval connection) removed which required an incision under her belly button and also had her toe taken care of at the same time. The removal of the mass on her toe left such an opening that it took stitches from one side of her toe all the way to the other to close it. The only thing left to worry about is possible plastic surgery for the scar that it will leave. But we're going to wait a good, long while before we even think about that! Now, Lord willing, we've got this precious little thing taken care of and she'll be good to go from here on out! She had morphine along with her anesthesia so she's fine right now, but we might be in for it once she starts feeling the pain.
I'm incredibly thankful for such a phenomenal doctor. I'll forever sing the praises of Dr. Gilbert and the wonderful people at Huntsville Hospital. They were nothing short of amazing. I never worried about Cate (other than the obvious) once she left my arms and went back to surgery. There wasn't anything left undone...right down to a popsicle and doctoring gear for the big sister to keep her entertained (Towns left there this morning declaring that she's got her life figured out at age 3 - she wants to be a nurse, naturally). I'm extremely relieved that all this is over for her, but she couldn't have possibly been in any better care. I thank God we found a doctor who was so very capable of taking care of my sweet baby Cate!!
Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, and phone calls today. We're so blessed to have a healthy baby...she just had a few little kinks to work out. She came into the world with a bang and I can already see she's going to be force to be reckoned with! :) The funny part is that not even morphine can keep her down. With the way she's playing right now you'd never even know what she's been through this morning!! She never ceases to amaze me....


  1. So relieved to hear the surgery went smoothly! Love y'all!

  2. Oh I'm so glad everything went well!!

  3. YAY! Glad it's over and that she is recovering peacefully. Maybe she has hit her limit on surgeries she will have to encounter in her lifetime!

  4. Praise the Lord for good surgeries & good DOCTORS! Don't they put your mind at ease! I hope she's still doing well. Please keep us posted!!

  5. Thank goodness!!! I know you all will feel better now this is behind you. Did you have your procedure done on Monday or were you able to reschedule?

  6. So glad to hear things went well! That is the sweetest picture of her sleeping! I know you're so relieved it's over! What about you now?? Keep us posted.

  7. Awesome! The Lord is faithful to heal! So glad Baby Cate is better!

  8. Precious baby Cate, we are so glad everything went well. Hope to see you and J at the tailgate this weekend!

  9. thank goodness everything went good!! know you are glad this is over!!
