Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gotta Start Early

It's never too early to start rushing them, right?! Towns asked me the other day why I was "so crazy into owls". That was day 1 of pre-rush at the McClendon household. And it will last approximately 15 more years. Look closely and see if you can see why I think these are the coolest pj's ever....I'm seriously thinking Target must have employed a buyer who is a Chi O because we've been seeing tons of great owls all over that store lately! And I'm loving it!


  1. What a cute picture! They are adorable!

  2. Do they make those in maternity size?

  3. Those are so CUTE!! I wonder if they make them in my size!

  4. Just in time for Bid Day on SUNDAY! Hootie Hoot!

  5. Oh my I have the Mommy ones but have not seen them for the babies! I'm heading to Target. 61 the pj pants have plenty of room for your little tummy and they are so darn cute(my sister in law gave them to me about a month ago so you may have to search for them)

  6. Sweet little hoots!! I even buy boy stuff with owls on it for William!!

  7. That is so funny that you have this post b/c as I was browsing through Target this morning I thought there are lots of owls stuff in here. I noticed an adult T for halloween with it and halloween tops for the girls. Several of the clothing shows had owl appliques too - they must just be a super hot item right now!

  8. Praying for you guys today! How did things go with your appt. yesterday?
