Tuesday, August 12, 2008

When It Rains, It Pours!

This sweet little baby....

And her sweet little foot...

...are landing her in the operating room for the second time in her short little life. First it was her ears, and now it's the infantile myofibroma on her toe. When it showed up when she was two months old we thought it was a blister, but it never went away. Her pediatrician referred us to a dermatologist who diagnosed it and told us that as long as it didn't get any larger it wouldn't need to be removed until age 4. However, over the last few months it's grown to more than 4x its original size which meant a visit with the pediatric surgeon. Until our trip to Children's Hospital today for our appointment with the surgeon, I was in the "can it get any worse?" frame of mind. And then I got there and saw more sick children than I ever cared to see and realized that it can be worse. Much worse. Even though Cate's surgery (Sept. 18th) to remove the fibroma is less than a desirable situation, I was reminded today that I'm ever so thankful for children who for the most part are perfectly healthy. But we're not out of the woods yet. The surgeon told us that she's a "rare {I prefer the word "special"} case" because these things aren't very common. Once it's removed we'll wait for the pathology report. We're praying that the pathology report will be clear (her doc is all but sure it's benign), that she'll have enough skin left to stitch together without having to take skin from somewhere else to cover it, and that the fibroma isn't so deep into her toe that it prevents them from removing it all with one surgery (translation: if they're able to get it all the first time it reduces the chance of it coming back later). Please keep my sweet Cate Bug in your prayers!

Cate was a champ during our super long wait. She's a fun little chick and keeps us laughing all the time! She enjoyed a wagon that a cute little girl so graciously let us have when she was done with it (no sitting for her, it was standing up all the way with one leg lifted high in the air)...

And when we got home she and her daddy shared McDonald's fries (her favorite...must have inherited her deep love of them from Bethany) and a chocolate milkshake...

Hopefully after this surgery we'll be free and clear from hospitals for the rest of our lives!!! We've had our fair share of them lately and we're not a fan! :)


  1. so glad all went ok...cate you sure a cute little trooper!

  2. will pray for cate!!!! keep us posted!

  3. Oh poor baby but looks like she is still all smiles. When is her surgery? Keep us posted we will be praying for each of you!

  4. Sweet Cate, the Grimes love you and William sends hugs and kisses. TT, are you bringing the girls this weekend?

  5. Oh no! I'm sure little Cate will be just fine. Please let me know if I can do anything when the time comes to help you guys out.

  6. Bless her heart! Keep us updated on how the surgery goes...

  7. Poor Cate bug!! I will be thinking about her (and her mommy)!!! I know she will be fine :)

  8. Sweet baby Cate!! I know that's so hard, the waiting and the not knowing! I will pray and look forward to hearing the details afterward!
