Monday, August 11, 2008

She's Big Time, Folks...

BB ready to hit supply list in hand!

As of today, BBM is officially a 7th grader!! A first year Junior High Schooler, no less. She was a little nervous going in as the youngest grade in the school, but she's as cool as they come so I have no doubt she'll learn the ropes in no time! We spent the weekend at the lake (more about that later), but came back home to teach our Sunday School class, so after church we made Bethany's school supply shopping a family affair...per her request. I'd thought it best to stay home with the younger two while she and her daddy hit the stores alone. Mass chaos ensues when Cate and Towns are taken into a retail environment, and the fact that Towns thinks she can throw anything and everything in our cart makes it just a tad bit crazier. Her tossing things in other people's carts is the cherry on top. But BB thought it would be fun if we all went along, so after lunch at Panera we went right over to Target. I still say school supply shopping is one of the most fun things on earth. I don't care how old you are. We flew up and down every aisle and it looked like a tornado or two had blown through! Thanks, Betny, for letting us share in the fun with you! Hope your first day back was nothing short of fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. That Bethany is one lucky duck to have you-I think! I mean-for real! I like your attitude! "School supply shopping is one of the best things around"...Wish everyone had that attitude! You're cute! And So is Bethany! Hope she had a great first day!
