Sunday, October 12, 2008

Can I Please Tell You...

....that I have the best mother-in-law on the planet? She came Friday morning to help J with the girls while I was in Atlanta at the dance convention over the weekend. And what, might you ask, did she give me upon her arrival? A new camera since mine is MIA! An early Christmas present! She's the best! Seriously.

I had a blast at the dance's been 10 years since I've been a dance student (as opposed to being the teacher) and I loved it! Out of a 48 hour weekend, almost 20 hours were dance classes...pure heaven for me! Granted, I can't move a muscle right now, but it was well worth it!

When I rolled back into town a little while ago, I came home to see that my dear husband (who's always the fun one) had let Towns go hog wild with some Halloween spray-in hair color. Black. Really? Were they out of pink? Nice. No time for excessive blogging when my little Elvira's got to have a bath and a serious shampoo session. Please tell me this stuff comes out after one wash...


  1. I think it's great that you went to a dance convention in ATL... how fun was that. You have to give us more details. I can't dance at all. Can't wait to see some pictures from your new camera!!!

  2. a new camera and no pictures with this post? take some pics of those cute girls pronto!

  3. Ha Ha...I'd love to see the spray painted hair!

    Let's play soon!

  4. thanks for the camera recommendation! I'm excited to try it out!! :) glad you had fun dancing! I think everyone that reads that post will be jealous! HOW FUN IS THAT!!!!
