Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Preview

Just in case you ever wondered what it's like trying to take pictures of little people, this is typically how it goes (at least with my children):

Let's both look left...

Now you look one way, I'll look the other...

Turn the other way! Hurry!

I give up!!

Thank goodness this sweet one doesn't mind having her picture taken (most of the time)! With yours truly as her step-mom, I think she's quite used to it!

We spent the afternoon at the Grand Ole Pumpkin Patch in Clanton and had a blast (yes we've got pumpkin patches much closer to us, but this is our favorite by far)! Maybe one day soon I'll have enough time to sit down and tell you all about it, but for now here are a few more pictures from our trip...

B, don't get mad at me about this one...this is you nearly killing yourself coming down the big slide...thought it was funny!

Happy Fall!
We're loving it, and every year when it rolls around I remember why we love it so much!


  1. SOOOOOOOOO CUTE! I'd like to hear more about that pumpkin patch if you drove to Clanton for it! LOOKS like fun!!! All 3 of your girls are PRECIOUS!
    btw-I ordered a camera like yours last night. I had it shipped 2 day just in case Eli decides to make an appearance sooner than later. :) Thanks for the suggestion!!!!

  2. I love fall too....those tee's are too cute on your precious girls! Looks like a GREAT punkin patch complete with bouncy-FUN!!
