Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall Festival!

Cate and Towns had their Fall Festival at school (our church) today, which obviously meant they had to dress in their finest costumes (per Towns' request). I'm not scared to bring out the last couple of years' Halloween costumes for such an occassion....

Luckily, I convinced Towns to ditch the monstrous wings on her fairy costume for the sake of preventing everyone around her being knocked out each time she took a step. When I told her there was a big bouncy thing and a slide (all in one...right up her alley) and that oversized glittery wings would put a big damper on the fun, she gladly shed them in no time flat!

Cate had a ball...give the girl a wide open space with candy in close proximity and she's game! She was oblivious to what she looked like in her costume, and she was cracking me up at how her little fanny waddled back and forth when she walked. I don't think there was a single person there who didn't think it was just as hilarious as I did!

Click on the girls to see the rest of the pictures...


  1. oooh, how sweet! I had already heard about the cutest chicken in town, but how cute is towns! Isn't Halloween FUN?!? and how great is we celebrate forEVER?

  2. Those are the cutest costumes!!! You have got two pretty little girls!!!

  3. I wish I could have been there! I had fun today!

  4. I wanna see your Bo Peep and funny that we chose the same costumes?!
