Sunday, November 16, 2008

Belated Baby Dedication

Cate's very belated baby dedication was today at church, and with her recovering from being so sick it probably wasn't the best idea to go through with it, but we'd waited long enough! The girl is almost 14 months old (and was by far the oldest baby who was dedicated today)! At least she's tiny, so she didn't look too much older than the rest of the babies beside her!

It was a very special day, and such a sweet service. How incredible it is to stand in front of our congregation and make our promise to raise Cate in the light of His word. And to see every person in the sanctuary stand on our behalf and make their promise to help guide her as well. It brought tears to my eyes to say the least. There's no greater joy in the world than being a parent! What a blessing it is to have been given the job of raising such a beautiful, sweet baby girl!


  1. Love, love, love that picture of her from behind holding her daddy's hand. I am glad it was a good day for your fam!!

  2. I hate I couldn't be there! I think I would have started tearing up too! I love you Cate Bug and I am sooo happy I get to see you everyday!
