Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Patient {With No Patience}

Oh, how I wish Cate Bug could stay far, far away from hospitals!! The poor baby has had her fair share of them in the last few months, and Thursday night was no exception! We spent all of Thursday night in the emergency room thanks to pneumonia, a fever of 104, and her inability to keep anything down. She was pretty much lifeless until they gave her loads of fluids through an IV. Around 4 a.m. she was admitted and that's where we were until Saturday morning. Bless her heart, she was a trooper the entire time. We made the best of it, and after tons of antibiotics and fluids she's somewhat back to normal. She's never been one who's easy to confine, so you can imagine how much fun it was trying to entertain her in that little hospital room!

She still gave good lovin' even though she was sick...

Towns had a field day playing doctor to her! Decatur General, I owe you for the box of rubber gloves Dr. McClendon went through in one day. Just put it on my bill...

Cate couldn't stand that her IV kept her from straying too far...

One sick, sick baby...

As I was trying to get packed up to go home Saturday I put the flowers that her YaYa, Pappy, Anna Grace & Max gave her down in the floor to entertain her...she was quite a fan...the girl loves a balloon!

We're so glad to be home again! And so, so, so very happy that Bugaboo is on the mend!


  1. I am so glad that Bugger Boo is better! I don't like to see her sick! I love her feisty self! I hope she is never sick again! Well not in the hospital! I love yall!

  2. Goodness Tara....please do not HESITATE to call if you need anything...stay in it's going to be one COLD week glad Cate and the gang are home and better...take care!

  3. Cate bug, I am so thankful you are home from the hospital and getting better. I hope you all get some much need rest this week! Love you.

  4. Tara, I'm so sorry Cate has been sick! I hope she is feeling much much better!!!

  5. Bless her little bones! That is the most pitiful thing I have ever seen ;) I'm so glad she is feeling better!!

  6. I wish I would have known you guys were at the hospital. I'm so sorry. Hope Cate is all better soon.

  7. TT, I can't believe it! Y'all have been through the ringer! Sweet Cate. I'm glad she's on the mend!! I hope you are recovering from all the madness too! It can take a toll on you... maybe Jonathan will give you a day off this week!!
