Friday, November 21, 2008

Birthday Mania!

I must admit that I had the patience of a 3 year old waiting for Bethany to get home from what seemed like a 12 hours school day! She had these treats waiting for her...

...and we couldn't wait to continue the birthday celebration!

She had cards from my parents and brother & sister to open (love that they're ages 9 and 4 and they sent a 'happy birthday niece' card...too funny!), and shortly after she opened her gifts these pretty flowers were delivered to the house from her aunt and cousins...

And these sweet ones from my grandmother...

Let it be known that B holds the world record for tearing through paper at mock speed to get to the goods in side the box! The girl is a maniac when it comes to opening presents! And I love how it looks like this when she gets done (i.e. like a tornado has blown through)...

Here, she's opening the gift Towns picked out and wrapped all by herself...yellow Hannah Montana lip gloss and bubbles! Of course, B acted like it was the best present she'd ever sweet!

Sporting the new North Face from Grandmommy & Pop...

She got the present from J and me a month early....a new Nikon camera (her argument was that she didn't want to 'miss out on her teenage years' by having to wait until her actual birthday to get it...she's never hugged me as tight as when I told her that me sweet talking J on her behalf worked and he caved)! This is her back in October pretending that it's her birthday and that she's surprised...

Isn't she a great actress? I've always said that it's her calling!

After all the present-opening, we took her to Bridge Street, her favorite place to shop around...

A picture of the girls...we gave it our best shot!

(Chi O's...can you see the cute smocked owls on Towns' dress??)

After freezing our fannies off at Bridge Street, she picked Ruby Tuesday's for her birthday dinner...if you know her, you know that that's at total shock! HA!

All in all I think her day was pretty fabulous! The reason I know this is because on the way home from dinner she looked at J and me and {made my heart melt when she} said 'thanks Daddy and Tara...this has been the best birthday ever'! I mean, can she be any sweeter?!
Now do you see why I love her to pieces?

1 comment:

  1. hope bethany had an awesome b-day. Have a wonderful thanksgiving
