Saturday, November 29, 2008

In The Spirit

Now that we've gotten Thanksgiving under our belt, we've moved full speed ahead into getting ready for Christmas!
We went today to pick out a Christmas tree....

Cate missed out on the's what she was doing the whole time...
We spent Thanksgiving with my Dad in Dothan, and on the way home Friday we stopped to let the girls see Grandmommy and their cousin Keaton in Montgomery. We went ice skating, rode the Christmas train, and even stopped to chat with Santa! Towns loved the big guy this year...Cate, not so much!

Bethany's an old pro at skating, but it was Towns' first time to try out the ice. She did great! I held her hand the first few times around the rink, and after she got the hang of it she was on her own and loving it!

B skated for a short while...until her check card started burning a hole in her wallet!

Let the count down begin...we l-o-v-e this time of year at the McClendon household!


  1. LOVE the pic of y'all with the tree!! I love this time of year! I can't wait to get home and get festive myself!

  2. You forgot to tell people about the craziness behind taking that picture!! You need to edit the post and put that on there! If Cate was in it, it could be our Christmas card picture!!

  3. You are right, you can never have too much Christmas spirit! I love this time of year! It brings happiness to me! We really need to take stuff to the Salvation Army! We have tons of stuff we don't use! You could clean out your closet too and give some stuff away! Good luck getting Cate to sleep! HA!
