Wednesday, November 5, 2008


My favorite people in the world...

All in one picture before church Sunday morning...all looking at the camera...most of them smiling at it! Doesn't get much better than that in my book! Wish I could Photoshop myself in that little space to the right and call our Christmas card picture a done deal....


  1. That is a sweet picture!

    I know how you feel!!! We did "Christmas Card" pictures last week and let me tell you it was a disaster!!!!!!!!!!!! JOhn Luke is a photographer's worst nightmare! He absolutely will not take a good picture! I end up either in tears or so mad I don't know what to do everytime I try to get his pictures made!!

  2. I bet you could photoshop yourself into that picture! You know your talented like that! That would make a perfect Christmas card picture! I am sooo excited about our project today!

  3. You need to update your blog little missy! I know you have been busy though! I live with you now so I know what is going on! I hope our day goes bye more peacefully tomorrow! It has been hectic in the McClendon household! If you could figure out how to put my video on here I wouldn't mind if you did! Well I am going to go get in the shower now!
