Thursday, November 13, 2008

Busy, Busy!

Things have been a whirlwind in the McClendon household for the past week...

The cute chick on the left just came to live with us and finish out the school year (I don't think I could possibly convey how ecstatic I am about it - she's only been here for a week and it's been nothing short of a blast the entire time! She's hit an all time record with 8 blog posts in one week about it!)....and the sweet baby girl on the right has been sick all week and we found out today that she's got pneumonia. She's so very pitiful and if she's not better by tomorrow morning (after 2 prescription antibiotics and a hefty shot in the leg of some today) we'll be headed to the hospital. I hope and pray she wakes up a new woman tomorrow!

And this girl here...well, as you can tell by the picture she's got her purse on standby at all times because she's always just along for the ride! We're all on cloud 9 about our Bet-ny coming to live with us, but Towns is absolutely beside herself. I do believe she thinks we're on an extended vacation!

1 comment:

  1. so sorry to hear about Cate, hope she is lots better soon! so GLAD to hear the news about your BIG girl!! how much fun is the mcclendon house going to be??!!
