Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Hills

It was sunny and 70 in Decatur today which makes me one happy lady! I loaded up the girls (in their matching vests from Grandymommy & Pop...SO cute!) and headed to 'the hills' for a picnic and a little fun...

Have I mentioned how hard it is to take a picture of all 3 of them?
What's Towns' face all about??

Cate's obviously done with it...

They hurried through lunch to get to this...

When sliding down on cardboard boxes got old, Cate caught on to a new way to get to the bottom of the hill...

Baby doll in the basket? Check...

Now it's time to roll!

Not sure if I've told you this before, but my 1 year old is the wildest one in the bunch...

The other two quickly followed suit...

The only bad part about riding down the hill is getting back up!

Now it's Bet's turn!

While we were busy laughing about the older girls riding down the hill on the baby toy, Cate was back at the picnic spot getting into the chocolate chips...

And my Diet Coke...

Thanks girlies for a super fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Back to the pic with all three of us, what is my neck all about? Am I trying to look at a giraffe?? LOL! That is a horrible pic! I had a great day with yall today and I am sad you never went down the hill on the riding toy! Thanks for a fun filled day!
