Sunday, January 4, 2009

This is Why...'ll probably be next Christmas before I get my Christmas '08 post done (been working on it for a week)!

There are 5 people in this house who all want the computer at the same time (well make that 4 since B got her jealous), but Cate is the only one forceful enough to climb up on the desk and completely perform a hostile takeover. The days of my computer bliss are obviously long gone...


  1. Ha! She is hilarious! My nephew is the same way about my sister's iphone.

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  3. I am redoing my comment..... I am so happy that Cate-Bug can't do that to my "puter"!! Ahhh.... don't you just love kids??? Tomorrow I will be speaking Spanish! I don't know if I am going to do good though. LOL!! I hope all we do is count! I do know how to do that! I want you to post more! Even though I live with you, I still love to read your posts. I love to laugh and your posts make me! I wish "Daddy's Girls" was on every night! That is my new favorite show! Well post more please! I bet everybody else is saying "gosh, that mcclendon party of five girl never posts!". I am just messing with you though b/c I know you have 3 kids and it is hard to make time! I hope next time you try to post Cate behaves!

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