Tuesday, December 9, 2008

McClendon Family Christmas Spectacular

Last night Bethany pulled out all the stops for the 1st Annual McClendon Family Christmas Spectacular! If you've ever heard me talk about this girl and how she loves to throw something together on the spot (be it a party, parade, music video for a song she's written herself, a play, or a Christmas program) , you can only imagine how it went down! The front porch was the stage, and we noticed several neighbors across the street out on their porch watching the show...which didn't disturb the performers in the least!

This was the program B printed for the audience (J, Cate and myself)...not sure if you can read it, but it gives a rundown of the program festivites and it was all pulled together at the end with the reading of the Christmast story! Click on the picture to enlarge...

The girls dressed themselves in red and green...so festive!

Cate ended up joining the ensemble...she didn't want to be left out! She provided the dancing while the girls sang...after she made her way up the stairs, of course!

Thanks B for getting us even more excited about Christmas!

On another fun note, we were at Parkway Place Mall in Huntsville one night last week and discovered these fantastic things as we were about to eat dinner...

Of course the girls had to give it a go a time or two while we were there! Bethany was mastering back flips like it was her job, and Towns was in heaven...she was bouncing so high that she was probably 4 feet from the ceiling!

Poor Cate wasn't at all happy about not being able to have her turn at it...hence the face you see in the picture!

Speaking of the little Bug, she's really come out of her shell lately. Not that she really needed to...she's always had a very big personality! But she's starting to repeat everything we say and it's hysterical! My current favorite is her saying 'cheeeeeese' every time she sees me pull out the camera...which is approximately every two seconds! She's still a fiesty little thing, though. Her daddy swears that it's her defense mechanism since she's so tiny! We all know one thing is true...no one will ever run over Cate-Cate! The girl can hold her own like you wouldn't believe!

Here are a few more for good measure...the girls were having a ball playing in the neighbor's leaves yesterday!

As if this wasn't already the longest post in history, I'll leave you with one more...my new friend that hangs around my neck! Do you think he's a bit over the top?! I do, but I love him!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the entertainment and the OWL! Looks like never a dull moment there! :)
