Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The picture above is a computer drawn version of the picture I took last night of Bethany at her Christmas performance at dancing....right down to the red and white polka dotted bow. I did add hot pink fingernails. Hers aren't really hot pink, but I was on a roll. I sure did have full intentions of getting everything on video. But being that I'm the teacher and J was trying to keep Towns and Cate from stealing the post-performance refreshments, it just didn't happen. I did manage to take one picture before we left the studio and somehow lost it on my camera. Sick is what I am about that one. So for now, let's pretend that the Bethany you see above is the real deal. Way to go last night, Bet! You did fantastic!!

This one's really for me so I'll never forget the conversation Towns and I had today in the car....

Towns: How old do I have to be before I can be a Mommy?
Me: Pretty old.
Towns: But how old?
Me: I don't know exactly, but I really want you to stay little forever and never grow up {.1% kidding, 99.9% serious}
Towns: {giggling under her breath} Mommy I can't stay little forever, I have to grow up...that's the way God made me!
Me: I know, I know.
Towns: So that means you can't cry about it...

Next up, Merry Christmas to me...look what I just found on eBay! Chi O cookie cutters?! Seriously. OOCer's, I'll give you one guess as to what treat you're getting from me wrapped up in cellophane with red and yellow ribbon next year to spice up the FCOF! Hooty Hoot!


  1. LOVE the cookie Cutters! We need something to spice of the FCOF...HAHA!!!

  2. I love the cookie cutters, too! May is going to be FUN!

  3. I can't wait that long for mine! You know I need cookies , NOW! HA!

  4. our t-shirt arrived!! thanks so much, it is precious!!


  5. You need to post about the festive people I saw! HA! When are you going to make my shirt?? Get on it little missy! JK! Luv ya!

  6. Hey Tara! This is Julie(Kelley)Hardy. I've been "stalking" your blog for some time now. :) I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy reading your posts about your beautiful family.

  7. Love the cookie cutters! And love the sweet conversation between you and Towns. That kid cracks me up.
