Thursday, December 4, 2008


Does anyone know where I might find approximately 12 more hours to add to my day? I'm rather certain that this is the only way I'll accomplish everything I set out to do in a day's time. I'm trying my hand at a new little business venture (you might have seen it here), which has proven to be a great outlet for me and fun at the same time! It's taken off much faster than I had prepared myself for...something that I welcome with open arms, of course!! But that's where those 12 extra hours every day would come in handy! Can I add that to my Christmas list?! Thanks.

I've been bad about taking pictures in the last few days, but I did get out the camera Monday morning when it SNOWED in Decatur! What a way to ring in the Christmas month! The ground was wet so it didn't stick, and to be honest, you really can't even see it in any of the pictures...but I promise it was there!

Cate was raring to go...

Towns, however, was not! She stayed on the porch as to not get snow on her leopard clogs...naturally!

Sunday afternoon Holly the Elf (i.e. Bethany) paid us a little visit. She left a sweet note for Towns and brought her a gift...doesn't get much better than that! Holly is the best elf ever...she even bought the gift with her own money and the whole thing was all her idea! Towns gets pretty excited when Holly is mentioned...just another reason having Bethany here makes everything more fun!
Here's B reading Holly's note to Towns...

I'll leave you with the most fun thing Towns has told me in a while...the other morning after I got dressed Towns came over to me, put her arms around my leg like she was giving me a hug, and said 'Mommy, you look just like a teamager!' Love it! What I'm really loving is my hubby who told me last night he's taking me to see the Radio City Rockettes in Nashville Saturday night! I'm pretty sure he'll be bored to tears, but he's enduring it ever so sweetly so I can be in heaven for a few hours! If was 6 inches taller, I'd have already auditioned. Trust me.


  1. Hey Friend.... Listen, you find those 12 extra hours can you please tell me how and then I'd like to do it too! :) I've started my post on YOU and hope to post tonight!! Love love love 'em! As for the fish... I totally love him but want to wait 'til summer to use him... so I'll stick with JM & john martin in navy & green!

  2. You're going to LOVE the Rockettes, tt! I saw them a few years ago and wish I could go back every year...have fun!

  3. I expected nothing less from you TT...the designs are GREAT!! Good luck finding those 12 hours!

  4. Hey Tara! This is Kristen (Graves) Hill. LOVE your shirts! I have a two year old little girl who would sure love to have one of those precious Christmas ones... How do I order from ya?
