Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas & More...LOTS More!

Think it's about time to do away with the Christmas owl? I do. Maybe I'll work on replacing him really soon. In place of the monstrosity of a Christmas post I was working on, this is what I've got...a recap of our Christmas vacation! Three glorious weeks of absolutely nothing to do but enjoy each other and all of our down time!

Our Christmas was pretty fantastic...we had a very large time, which calls for a very large story to go along with all the pictures! Unfortunately, I don't have a large amount of free time!! So click here and you'll get our Christmas in pictures (and a few captions)!

Christmas Eve was one of those days where we had to keep busy to try to make the time go by quickly. It didn't really work...the kids were overcome with excitement and were begging to get a jump start on Christmas! So to keep them occupied we did a little baking to celebrate the birthday of Someone super special...Jesus! Can't think of a better reason to make cupcakes!
Click the picture below to see more...

After the cupcake baking session, Towns conned me into letting her change into a more appropriate outfit for the celebration. You know, naturally a tutu and a 'liptard' make everything a little more fancy!

Cate didn't make a wardrobe change, but the two of them did manage to run laps around the living room and act like monkeys until they both collapsed. At that point I'd have let them do anything they wanted if it meant running off some energy and getting in the bed early!

But all the running didn't work...they weren't about to close their eyes and go to sleep! Way too much excitement for we all made a Target run for a few last minute Christmas treats!

B was in Wetumpka for the first few days of her Christmas break, and we picked her up on Christmas day and headed to Selma to do Christmas with J's side of the family. We gave B her present while we were there...

And this is all we've seen of her ever since! I'm kidding! Well, kind of...

{Towns took this one}

Christmas night we had McClendon family pictures made at a church in Marion which was a sight! While everyone was trying to get in position for the big picture I caught Towns dancing a jig and singing a little Hannah Montana at the pulpit...

The girls and their cousin Keaton...

After the pics, it was present time with Granny 'Clendon and a house full of family! Fun times!

We also celebrated Christmas with both of my parents' side of the family...maybe I'll get to that in another post??
In other news, Cate's been pretty entertaining lately. She's developed a fascination with the fridge and loves to sit in it, climb up in it and take a few things out, arrange them all on the floor, climb back in and reorganize them again in the fridge, you know...all the normal stuff a 1 year old likes to do!

When she's not busy sporting her super cool furry boots...

she loves hiding in the pillows on our long as her face is hidden she thinks we can't see her!

She's also really into her baby dolls these days. Yesterday I taught her how to feed a baby with a bottle which she thought was the most innovative idea ever! She gave me this look like 'why didn't I think of that?' funny!
Taking these pictures reminded me of the day Towns learned to feed her baby a bottle...I think the first time I ever got it on camera for the both of them they were standing in almost the same spot. Not something anyone else would notice other than yours truly, the sentimental mother! The ones with the blue baby above are of Cate, the ones with the orange baby below are of Towns...

When it's not raining (which is a rarity these days), we love to be it at Bridge Street or the hills....we're easy to please!

When we're shopping around, Towns likes to snooze in the stroller while Cate pushes...

Our trip to Bridge Street last week was rather monumental. Bethany donned the wool overcoat also owned by Miley Cyrus (of course we had to take a quick snapshot in the Juicy dressing room)!

Any maybe even more monumental than that...B made her first real Juicy purchase...make that the second, but the first time was just socks so does that count? I promise we're really teaching her to stay grounded and level-headed, but you can't blame a girl for having good taste! :)

B might be a serious shopper, but she's also rather crafty with her sisters. Earlier this week my friend Amy and her son Hart (Towns' best buddy) came over, and while the grown-ups enjoyed lunch (thanks was delish!) B entertained the kiddos by helping them make icing-dipped animal crackers with sprinkles! All her idea, I might add. She transformed the kitchen into the work area and even had stations for dipping, sprinkles, and drying! So creative! The kids threw on their aprons and got to work...when icing and sprinkles is involved, they're game!
Cate showing off her apron...

Hart and Towns...

Last weekend, Towns helped her friend Anna Bekah celebrate her 4th you can't guess the party theme!

As if all the pink tulle didn't give it away...

J's been at home a lot over the break which we've all loved...these girls are slighly smitten with their Daddy!

That pretty much sums up our Christmas break...I'm so sad it's all over with! I think I was deliriously happy having everyone home with nothing to do but play and relax together. I l-o-v-e seeing my girls in puts a smile on my face like no other!

Here are a few of the younger two on their way to school this morning...if only I could get B in a lady bug shirt for a group shot...not getting my hopes up on that one!


  1. Love it all... especially those ladybug shirts! Presh! Glad y'all had such a wonderful Christmas and I'm glad Cate stayed well! :)

  2. Uggh.... I am so mad! I just logged out of yours to log onto mine and it erased all that I wrote! Here I go again......... LOL about the Vera thing! Thanks for making this a great Christmas! Between the laptop and iPod touch this has to be the best Christmas yet! Countdown to Christmas '09 is going up on the blog soon! LOL!

  3. I loved it all too! You're such a good blogger! I can totally picture your life from the way you describe it! Your girls are precious, and I can't get over how much Cate is growing! BEAUTIFUL! (looks a LOT like her mama-don't you think!?!)
